ForestFlow project was initiated due to the flood disaster that Croatia and Serbia encountered in May 2014. Since natural watercourses and existing drainage systems did not have the capacity to convey excess water, consequences of heavy rainfall were devastating, and still have effects on the economy, environment and people in flooded area.

Damage to agriculture only in HR is estimated around 30 million euros and 64,8 million euros in SRB. In HR area of 250 km2 and 300 km2 in SRB was affected by the flood. At least 60 people lost their lives. In Serbia 3,500 km of roads need repair. Farmers in both HR and SRB suffered severe damages, including around 180 tonnes of dead domestic and wild animals in HR and 288 tonnes in SRB. High number of farming facilities and 8,500 ha of the crops in HR and 90,000 ha in SRB were flooded. At the same time, there were no communication procedures between HR and SRB organisations responsible for flood protection.

Following the devastating floods in cross-border area, this Action aims at both flood damage recovery in the area of Spačva-Bosut forest basin and at establishing cross-border prevention system with an action plan for future cross-border cooperation in protecting nature, environment and people from flood disasters.

Regarding flood damage recovery, we will restore flood protection infrastructure in Vukovar-Srijem County and Srem District, that is drainage canals and access roads, in order to improve forests ability to absorb floodwater and to enable access for flood-fighting emergency actions. Since floods caused severe loss of wildlife (especially red deer and roe deer, i.e. in 2014 in Croatia and Serbia 258 deer were directly destroyed by floods), the second objective is to restore wildlife suffered in the flood and to construct supporting facilities for wildlife reintroduction, thus ensuring preservation of biodiversity in sites of high environmental and landscape value.

Regarding establishing cross-border flood prevention system, the third specific objective is to establish cross-border partnerships in flood protection management and wildlife preservation, and to raise public awareness on floods, thus improving flood protection of people and natural assets.

ForestFlow’s key stakeholders are Hrvatske vode and Vode Vojvodine, since those are public institutions directly responsible for water management and flood protection management, then Hrvatske šume and PE “Vojvodinašume” as public institutions responsible for forest management including access roads and wildlife. This Action will help restore sites damaged by floods and to develop more effective systems and approaches to emergency preparedness in relation to flood prevention in border area Spačva-Bosut forest basin in Vukovar-Srijem County and Srem District.

Awareness raising activities are lead by project partners Institute for Development and International Relations IRMO and Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment ILFE.

Project is funded by European Union and before mentioned applicants:

SRB partners

– EU financing (84,86%)                = €595.199,11

– national co-financing (15,14%) = €106.190,37

HR partners

– EU financing (84,92%)                = €599.007,15

– national co-financing (15,08%) = €106.371,03

Final beneficiaries are project area residents because well-designed cross-border disaster prevention projects contribute to people safety and have synergetic effects on reduction of damages, protection of nature and natural resources, economic stability and safe and stable living conditions. Awareness raising activities lead by project partners Institute for Development and International Relations IRMO and Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment ILFE will include following beneficiaries: farmers, project area residents, school teachers/children, rescue associations, public institutions responsible for management of protected areas, NGOs, ecological organisations and local government.


Hrvatske šume d.o.o. is a three-layered commercial company owned by the state, with the Headquarters in Zagreb, 16 regional forest administrations (subsidiaries) and 171 regional forest offices

Vojvodinašume is a public company that manages the forests in Vojvodina

Hrvatske vode is a legal entity for water management established by the Water Act founded by The Republic of Croatia

Vode Vojvodine is a Public Water Management Company Vode Vojvodine founded in order to take responsibilities for water management activities in the territory of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina

Institute for Development and Internatonal Relations is a scientific institution whose mission is developing and disseminating theoretical, methodological and technical knowledge and skills required for scientific and professional interpretation and evaluation of contemporary international relation

Institute of Lowland Forestry and Enviroment is an institution whose mission is to provide research results that enable the development of new and improvement of existing technologies, products and services in forestry and environmental protection, as well as to provide information and knowledge, to connect producers and end users, helping citizens in everyday life



