IPA project ForestFlow First Conference

The first conference of the Flood protection infrastructure restoration and development of cross-border system for protecting people and natural assets from floods (ForestFlow) project was held in Novi Sad from 17th to 19th of January 2017.

The conference was an opportunity to present possible ways in which the project will contribute to the recovery of the devastated Vukovar-Srijem County in the Republic of Croatia and Srem County in the Republic of Serbia after the floods in 2014.

All partners presented the activities planned to be carried out within the project, which will restore the infrastructure for flood protection, establish a cross-border system for human protection, rebuild facilities damaged by the floods and develop a more efficient system of flood prevention in the border area of ​​Spačva – Bosut forest basin and access roads in case of emergencies. Also, activities will be aimed at restoring population of deer, construction of supporting facilities for the reintroduction of wildlife, as well as raising public awareness about the floods.

On the second day of the conference meetings of ForestFlow’s Project Team and Working Groups were held. Detail plans and dynamics of the project activities were presented. The division of tasks between the partner institutions was determined, like the parameters for future decision making and reporting, as well as the decisions on procurement and contracting jobs, reporting, communication and other things that are considered important for the achievement of project goals.